terça-feira, 1 de maio de 2018

Estudar em Amnsterdan?

The Social Psychology Program of the University of Amsterdam is dedicated to studying human beings in their social context, broadly defined.


A first line of research focuses on emotions and related affective processes. Studies in this line address the role of both emotional experience and emotional expressions in intrapersonal, interpersonal, intragroup, and intergroup settings. One focus is on the antecedents and consequences of discrete emotions (e.g., anger, happiness, fear, disappointment, guilt, humiliation), although more diffuse affective states are also studied. The second focus is on emotional communication, in particular on understanding vocal and facial signals and their social impact. Much attention is devoted to the role of the social context within which emotional processes unfold, including the role of culture.

  1.  - Prof. dr. E.J. (Bertjan) Doosje -   e.j.doosje@uva.nl
    1.  Programme group: Challenges to Democratic Representation 
      1. Read Publications of 2016
  1. dr. M.W. (Marc) Heerdink  -  M.W.Heerdink@uva.nl
    1. Emotions and Social Lab 
      1. Classes - Current Debates in Emotion Research (in English; offered as part of the Research Master of the Psychology department)
      2. Research Emotion, Motivation, and Performance 
  1. Prof. dr. Gerben van Kleef - g.a.vankleef@uva.nl 
    1. Ele é o cara que criou a ideia de emoçoes como informações sociais.
    2. Emotional collectives: How groups shape emotions and emotions shape groups - https://goo.gl/oPjwtA  ( Acessi throught University of Toronto)
    3. The persuasive power of emotions: Effects of emotional expressions on attitude formation and change  ( Book - avaliable at York Library, BF 531 K54 2016 ) - O livro tem um último capítulo sobre liderança
    4.  Ele também estuda os efeitos de poder sobre as respostas emocionais das pessoas.

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